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Female Pattern Hair Loss
Unlike men who suffer from male pattern hair loss, women with female-pattern hair loss will notice hair thinning all over their scalp. Women lose hair on the top of the head, causing a widening of the center hair part.
Fortunately, female pattern hair loss rarely leads to complete baldness as it does for men.
Female Pattern Hair Loss Causes
It’s normal that we lose some amount of hair as we age, whether we are male or female.
Female pattern hair loss can be triggered by hormonal changes. Women who have already experienced menopause will likely experience hair loss. Changes in androgen levels are responsible for not only hair loss for women, but increased and coarser hair on other parts of her body.
You are more likely to develop the female pattern hair loss yourself, if someone else in your family such as your mother, father or grandmother suffered the condition.

Anagen Phase
In the anagen phase, the hair will grow about approximately 1 cm each month. The growth phase, or anagen phase, lasts an average of 2-6 years. People who have the inability to grow their hair beyond a certain length have short anagen phase. On the contrary, people who are able to grow their hair very long very quickly, have a long anagen phase.